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- Version 2.0
TMI was funded by NSF-Geoinformatics (EAR-1226265) and a
University of Minnesota Interdisciplinary Informatics Seed Grant. The application is
hosted at the University of Minnesota, and benefits from the infrastructure provided
by CSD Facility, funded by the National Science Foundation.
Subject matter experts have contributed images and information to TMI. We deeply appreciate their
time and energy, and the support of their institutions. Thanks to: Dick Baker, University of Iowa;
Andy Breckenridge, University of Wisconsin-Superior;
Jordan Bright, University of Arizona;
Andy Cohen, University of Arizona;
Ed Cushing, University of Minnesota;
Mark Edlund, St. Croix Watershed Research Station;
Hedy Kling, Algal Taxonomy & Ecology Inc., Michael Rosen, USGS;
Guy Rothwell, BOSCORF, NOC, UK;
Mark Shapley, Idaho State University;
Joe Smoot, USGS; Vania Stefanova, University of Minnesota;
Robert Thompson, University of Minnesota;
Blas Valero-Garces, Pyrenean Inst. of Ecology;
Ian Walker, University of British Columbia;
James Marty, Utah State University, and
Val Stanley, Minnesota Geological Survey.
TMI is dedicated to the memory of Mike Talbot, whom we wish were here to help us, and of course to Kerry Kelts, whose project we are trying to complete.
Images and text on the website may be used without permission, but should be credited as having been provided by the CSD Facility TMI website.
Please provide proper attribution for any use of images or text from the website in a presentation or publication. Citation of TMI helps to spread the word about its availability, and is crucial to securing continued funding of the resource.
Any publication that uses data obtained from this web site should cite TMI as follows:
Myrbo, A., Morrison, A., and McEwan, R. (2011). Tool for Microscopic Identification (TMI). https://tmi.csd.umn.edu. Accessed on 10 February 2025
We prefer that users include a citation in the references section of a publication, rather than listing TMI in the acknowledgments section.
We also request that users send us the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of any published work that cites TMI.
If you have questions or comments about this site, or if you would like to contribute images or information, please contact
Mark Shapley or Brian Grivna.