Id | Identification Type | Name | Description | Distinguishing Features | Tags |
169 | Lithofacies | Diatom ooze | Lithofacies comprising >50% diatom frustules, with secondary contributions of detrital and/or chemically precipitated material.
High proportion of diatom frustules; intervals deposited during 'blooms' may be nearly pure diatoms, with cheesy or clotted surface texture. Carbonate minerals subordinate, or absent. |
isotropic clotted |
114 | Lithofacies | Diatomaceous carbonate mud | Describes a lithofacies composed of >50% authigenic carbonate minerals, with diatom frustules as the second-most abundant component.
Diatom frustules prominent but secondary to carbonate minerals; organic matter (amorphous or fragmentary) variable, subordinate; clastic mineral matter subordinate, may be absent. |
high-birefringence calcareous authigenic biogenic |
39 | Mineral | Dolomite | Transparent colorless. Nonpleochroic. Extremely high birefringence. Equant cleavage rhombs, usually with sharp edges. High relief. Usually detrital but may be authigenic in some rare environments. Usually small (fine silt to clay) grains. Higher relief than calcite, and rhombs generally more equant than calcite, but can be difficult to conclusively distinguish from calcite. | Rhombic
High-birefringence |
carbonate cleavage high-relief equant transparent colorless salt |
116 Church Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
P: 612-626-7889