Show UniqueIdentification

Id 136
Identification Type Plant
Name Plant Macrofossil
Distinguishing Features
External Resources
Imposters Sponge
tissue resembles plant structures
ephippia (eggs) resemble seeds
statoblasts resemble plant structures
insect eggs may resemble seeds/plant reproductive organs
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Abies balsamea
Site name: St.Louis County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: Abaxial (bottom) surface pictured on top, adaxial (top) surface below. Base of needle on righthand side of photograph. Note blunt tip w/small notch. Flat in cross section, twisted at base. May be 12-25 mm long.
Image Tags: leaf needle terrestrial dateable linear blunt emarginate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Acer negundo
Site name: USA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: fruit 3-5 cm long; wing may be straight or incurved; seed ~1.2 cm long
Image Tags: fruit terrestrial dateable winged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Acer rubrum
Site name: Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: fruit 2-4 cm; wing slightly divergent to 50-60 degrees
Image Tags: fruit seed terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Acer saccharinum
Site name: USA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: fruit 3-5 cm long; seeds 5-10 mm in diameter
Image Tags: fruit seed terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Acer saccharum
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: opposite bud scars, glabrous (shiny); lenticels (white marks)
Image Tags: twig terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Acer saccharum
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: pointy, brown colored
Image Tags: bud-scale terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Agastache foeniculum
Site name: Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong rounded-triangular, 1-1.5 mm long; surface ridged, with bristles clustered at top and along margins
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable oblong obovate ridged bristled
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Alisma subcordatum
Site name: Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: 8.0
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, 1.5-3 mm long; differentiated from Sagittaria by marginal groove and lack of beak
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed grooved striate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Alnus incana
Site name: gravel bar in Yukon River at Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: very weakly 5 lobed
Image Tags: catkin-bract terrestrial lobed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Alnus incana
Site name: gravel bar in Yukon River at Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: winged on margins, narrower than body; elliptic to obovate, irregular shaped; 2-4 mm long; wings may be damaged/missing in macrofossil samples.
Image Tags: seed terrestrial style-base-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Alnus serrulata
Site name: Huntsville County, AL
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovoid, flattened; narrowly winged on margins, 2-3 mm long
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable style-base-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Alnus serrulata
Site name: Huntsville County, AL
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: weakly 5 lobed, with center lobe being most prominent; may be dotted with resin
Image Tags: catkin-bract terrestrial dateable lobed resinous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Alnus viridis
Site name: edge of Iron Lake, Bayfield County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: unlobed
Image Tags: catkin-bract dateable terrestrial
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Alnus viridis
Site name: edge of Iron Lake, Bayfield County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, thinly winged, 2-3 mm long; styles persistent; wings may be damaged/missing in subfossil samples.
Image Tags: seed dateable terrestrial elliptic winged stigmas-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Andromeda glaucophlla
Site name: Van Meer Bog, Alger County, MI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, 5 sectioned capsule, ~5 mm wide; indented top; style persistent at top of capsule
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable round ribbed globose indented style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Andromeda glaucophlla
Site name: Van Meer Bog, Alger County, MI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: linear to narrowly oval, 2-5 cm long, 3-10 mm wide; sharp pointed with a small spine; leathery; margins may be rolled under abaxial (bottom) side of leaf (revolute)
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable linear pointed revolute
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Andromeda glaucophlla
Site name: Van Meer Bog, Alger County, MI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate-kidney shaped, 0.7-1.2 mm long
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable obovate reniform
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Anemone canadensis
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flat, obovate, 3-5 mm; long beak 2-4 mm long; winged; wooly hairs
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable beaked hairy winged pubescent rostrate style-persistent obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Aster macrophyllus
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-cylindric, 2-3 mm long with tapering base; pappus (white hairs) may or may not be present in fossils; lengthwise ridges
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable pappus linear hairy bristled oblong ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Atriplex patula
Site name: Melenaur farm near Denhoff, Sheridan County, ND
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: 8.0
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lens shaped in cross section, circular in outline; 1-3 mm wide; dull, dark brown to black; outline of ring-shaped embryo clearly visible
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable round
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula alleghaniensis
Site name: Hardin County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: sharply 3-lobed, ciliate (hairs) along margins, 6-13 mm long
Image Tags: catkin-bract terrestrial dateable lobed pubescent hairy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula alleghaniensis
Site name: Hardin County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: winged, 3 mm long, 3-5 mm wide, ellipsoid-obovate in shape, somewhat flattened; wings may be damaged/missing in subfossil samples
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable obovate winged stigmas-persistent hairy pubescent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula papyrifera
Site name: SE side of Green Lake, Kandiyohi County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 3 lobed, lobes divergent, forming cross-like or fleur-de-lis shape. 6-12 mm.
Image Tags: catkin-bract terrestrial dateable lobed hairy pubescent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula papyrifera
Site name: SE side of Green Lake, Kandiyohi County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: winged, 1.5-3 mm long, nutlet 0.5-1 mm wide, wings slightly wider than nutlet; wings may be damaged/missing in subfossil samples
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable winged obovate hairy pubescent stigmas-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula papyrifera
Site name: Rice Portage Lake, Carlton County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: subfossil specimen; note remnant of wings, persistent stigmas, characteristic size and shape (elliptic, 1.5-3 mm)
Image Tags: terrestrial bistigmatic dateable seed winged elliptic pubescent subfossilized stigmas-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula pumila
Site name: Devlin's Park, Boulder, CO
Light type: Plane-Polarized Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 3 lobed, rounded, sometimes dotted with resin.
Image Tags: catkin-bract terrestrial dateable lobed resinous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula pumila
Site name: Devlin's Park, Boulder, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: very narrowly winged, rounded, 2-3 mm long, 2-4 mm wide; 2 stubby style bases persistent; woody, flat face
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable winged round style-base-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula pumila
Site name: Devlin's Park, Boulder, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: adaxial (top) surface; rounded to obovate, 2-4 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, coarsely toothed margins, teeth may be blunt or sharp; petioles 3-6 mm long.
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable reticulate toothed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Betula pumila
Site name: Devlin's Park, Boulder, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: abaxial (bottom) surface; rounded to obovate, 2-4 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, coarsely toothed margins, teeth may be blunt or sharp; petioles (leaf stalk) 3-6 mm long.
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable reticulate toothed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Boehmeria cylindrica
Site name: Jackson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate-compressed, 0.5-0.7 mm long; pointed style base (tip); body surrounded by wing-like ring of spongy tissue, except at base; short whitish hair along edges
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable winged obovate compressed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Brasenia schreberi
Site name: Pontederia Pond west of Muscatine, Muscatine County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong capsule, 3-5 mm long; may contain 1 or 2 seeds; capsules containing only 1 seed are tapered as seen in top left specimen
Image Tags: seed floating-leaved date-with-caution oblong capsule
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Brasenia schreberi
Site name: Pontederia Pond west of Muscatine, Muscatine County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: globose-elliptic, 2-2.5 mm; seed wall radially striated, woody
Image Tags: seed floating-leaved date-with-caution woody globose elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Bryopsida
Site name: Rice Portage Lake, Carlton County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: fragile, dark stem; foliar scars alternate, formed from basal remains leaves; leaves acuminate (tapering to a point) translucent
Image Tags: aquatic-moss submerged do-not-date acuminate tapered subfossilized
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Calamagrostis canadensis
Site name: Williams Prairie, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 2-4 mm long; smooth; shortly awned; finely hairy
Image Tags: awned emergent date-with-caution hairy pubescent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Calamagrostis canadensis
Site name: Williams Prairie, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: linear oblong, 1.5-2 mm long; dry, glabrous; pappus may or may not be present
Image Tags: pappus seed emergent date-with-caution glabrous smooth linear oblong hairy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Callitriche hermaphroditica
Site name: Nye County, NV
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic-reniform, 1-2 mm long; divided into 4 segments
Image Tags: submerged reniform elliptic seed do-not-date textured bumpy colliculate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Callitriche palustris
Site name: Winneshiek County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flattened-round, 1-1.5 mm long; pitted, narrowly winged near tips
Image Tags: submerged seed do-not-date round wedge-shaped pitted foveate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Caltha palustris
Site name: Williams Prairie, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, ~2 mm long; cellular reticulate; light, corky texture
Image Tags: seed elliptic emergent terrestrial date-with-caution reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Campanula americana
Site name: City Park, Iowa City, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed, oval to elliptic, 0.5-1 mm long; glossy; conspicuous seed coat lighter in color than body
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed elliptic glabrous smooth base-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Capsella bursa-pastoris
Site name: Minnesota Weed Seeds, Series I, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed-elliptic, 0.5-1 mm long; attachment point slightly darker; ridged longitudinally due to bent embryo
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable hilum-conspicuous base-conspicuous ridged elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex backii
Site name: Dubuque County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded trigonous, 2-2.5 mm long; weak reticulate texture; style base (top of seed) rounded with indent
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed foveate obovate reticulate pitted
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex backii
Site name: Dubuque County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded trigonous, obovate, inconspicuously veined, 4-5.4 mm; beak 2 mm long, inconspicuously serrate
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable perigynia obovate beaked rostrate veined serrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex comosa
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: trigonous, each side slightly concave, 1.5-2 mm long; style persistent
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed trigonous style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex comosa
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lanceolate, 5-8 mm long; strongly nerved; tapering to beak, which is ~2-3 mm long; beake with reflexed teeth ~1-2 mm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution perigynia ribbed lanceolate beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex deweyana
Site name: Dubuque County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: biconvex, broad, 2-2.5 mm long
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed biconvex style-base-persistent obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex deweyana
Site name: Dubuque County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 4-5 mm long, 3-4 time as long as wide, faintly veined or veinless on both sides; tapered beak with finely serrate margins
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable perigynia beaked rostrate serrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex jamesii
Site name: Van Buren County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded trigonous, 1.8-2.3 mm long; weak reticulate texture; conspicuos style base (top of seed) rounded with indent
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed trigonous reticulate style-base-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex jamesii
Site name: Van Buren County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: subglobose, 3-4.5 mm long, 1.5-2 times as long as wide; short, slender beak
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable beaked rostrate perigynia round globose
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex lacustris
Site name: Bog margin, St. Louis County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate, flattened to nearly round in cross section, 5-7 mm long; > 10 visible nerves; tapering to beak ~1 mm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution perigynia ribbed veined ovate beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex squarrosa
Site name: Jefferson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obconic, inflated, body 3.5-6 mm, beak 2-3.5 mm; 2 strong ribs at summit, otherwise very sparsely and obscurely veined; beak teeth 0.2 mm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution beaked rostrate perigynia ribbed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex squarrosa
Site name: Jefferson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ellipsoid trigonous with sinous, persistent style; 2.2-3 mm long, 2.5 times as long as wide
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed pitted style-persistent elliptic trigonous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex tribuloides
Site name: Blackhawk County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: biconvex (lens shaped), 1.5 mm long, 0.5-0.75 mm wide
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed biconvex style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex tribuloides
Site name: Blackhawk County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lanceolate, thin and scalelike with wings, 3-5.5 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide; inner face distinctly veined; wings narrowed below the midpoint
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution perigynia winged veined lanceolate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex viridula
Site name: Squaw Lake, Itasca County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: trigonous, 1.1-1.4 mm long, style base persistent
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution obovate seed trigonous style-base-persistent reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carex viridula
Site name: Squaw Lake, Itasca County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, mostly straight, though sometimes beak is reflexed; 2.2-3.3 mm long; irregularly veined, with 2 prominent marginal veins and 2-6 less defined veins
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution perigynia beaked rostrate veined obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carpinus caroliniana
Site name: Baker land, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: bud-scale terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carpinus caroliniana
Site name: Stonington, New London County, CT
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 2-3 cm halbard shaped with basal lobes; coarsely toothed, especially so along one side of center lobe
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable toothed lobed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carpinus caroliniana
Site name: Stonington, New London County, CT
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 2-3 cm halbard shaped with basal lobes; coarsely toothed, especially so along one side of center lobe
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable toothed lobed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carpinus caroliniana
Site name: Stonington, New London County, CT
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate-lenticular, ~ 2.7 x 2.4 x 1.2 mm; 3 or 4 longitudinal ridges/ribs on both faces in addition to ribs along margins (as opposed to smooth surface of Ostrya); brownish, papery lining inside of wall
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable ovate ribbed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Carpinus caroliniana
Site name: Baker land, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: twig bud terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Cerastium arvense
Site name: Clayton County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: angular-ovate to kidney shaped, 0.75-1 mm long; covered in many small tubercles (warty bumps) beginning at hilum (base) and broadening outward; rusty reddish brown, white hilum
Image Tags: seed warty tuberculate pitted foveate terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Cerastium nutans
Site name: Des Moines County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: angular-ovate, flat; ~0.5 mm long; surface with distinct tubercles (wart like projections); must compare to other tubercles within genus for species identification
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable tuberculate warty
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ceratophyllum demersum
Site name: Outlet to Green Lake, Kandiyohi County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic in outline, lenticular in cross section, body ~5 mm long; 2-3 marginal spines; body more elongate than C. echinatum woody wall
Image Tags: seed spiny woody submerged do-not-date elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ceratophyllum demersum
Site name: Upper Hottes Lake, Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: leaves in whorls of 6-12; each leaf 8-40 mm long, usually forked in 2-8 segements with spiny teeth along margins; stiff, brittle
Image Tags: leaf submerged do-not-date whorled spiny
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ceratophyllum echinatum
Site name: Baker County, GA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic in outline, lenticular in cross section, body ~5 mm long; abundant marginal spines; woody wall
Image Tags: seed spiny woody submerged do-not-date elliptic colliculate bumpy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chamaedaphne calyculata
Site name: Hubbard County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: abaxial (bottom) side shown; oval, 1-5 cm long and 3-15 mm wide; tips may be rounded or pointed; leathery; short petioles; margins may be entire or with rounded teeth
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable reticulate serrate elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chamaedaphne calyculata
Site name: Hubbard County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: adaxial (top) side shown; oval, 1-5 cm long and 3-15 mm wide; tips may be rounded or pointed; leathery; short petioles; margins may be entire or with rounded teeth
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable elliptic reticulate serrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chamaedaphne calyculata
Site name: Hubbard County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: wedge shaped, < 1 mm; striate surface
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable striate grooved semicircular wedge-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chamaedaphne calyculata
Site name: Hubbard County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, 5 sectioned capsule, up to 6 mm wide; indented top; style persistent from top of capsule
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable round indented style-persistent ribbed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chamaedaphne calyculata
Site name: Van Meer Bog, Alger County, MI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, 5 sectioned capsule, up to 6 mm wide; indented top; style persistent from top of capsule
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable indented style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chara sp.
Site name: Green Lake, Kandiyohi County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: Terete, black, 0.3-0.5 mm long. Spiral markings (striae). Two basal impressions present.
Image Tags: submerged do-not-date elliptic black spiraled striate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chenopodium album
Site name: Rochester Cemetary, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: 8.0
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: circular-lenticular, 1-2 mm wide; more spherical relative to other Chenopodium spp.; rounded margins; note notch in margin - this is the attachement scar and also represents the gap between each end of the embryo (which runs circular around the edge of the seed) - gap is relatively shallow in C. album; embryo extending to form blunt hook
Image Tags: seed shiny smooth glabrous terrestrial dateable notched
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chenopodium glaucum
Site name: sand spit, Little Millers Bay, Lake West Okoboji, Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: circular-lenticular, 1-2 mm wide; shiny, textured, plump disk; rounded margins; note notch in margin - this is the attachement scar and also represents the gap between each end of the embryo (which runs circular around the edge of the seed) - gap is relatively narrow in C. glaucum
Image Tags: seed terrestrial shiny dateable round notched
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Chenopodium pratericola
Site name: sandy hillside near Grover's Lake, NE
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: circular-lenticular, 1-2 mm wide; shiny, textured, plump disk; rounded margins; note notch in margin - this is the attachement scar and also represents the gap between each end of the embryo (which runs circular around the edge of the seed) - gap is very slight in C. pratericola
Image Tags: seed terrestrial shiny glabrous dateable notched round
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Cicuta maculata
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, flat on one side, 2-4 mm long; conspicuously ribbed
Image Tags: seed emergent ribbed date-with-caution obovate planoconvex
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Claytonia virginica
Site name: Coralville, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oval-lenticular, 1-2 mm; black, very shiny; note marginal cleft plugged with white material
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable shiny glabrous smooth hilum-conspicuous elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Cryptotaenia canadensis
Site name: Rochester Cemetary, in shade of oak trees, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed-oblong, 5-6 mm long, ribbed, style persistent
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed oblong ribbed style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Cyperus odoratus
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: brown, 3 angled, 1-2 mm long, up to 0.5 mm wide at broad end
Image Tags: seed ovate emergent date-with-caution trigonous reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Cyperus squarrosus
Site name: Cedar River, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: brown, 3 angled. 0.5-1 mm long
Image Tags: seed oblong ovate emergent date-with-caution trigonous style-base-persistent reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Cyperus strigosus
Site name: Gastank Prairie W of Solon, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: brown, 3 angled, 1-2 mm long, less than 0.5 mm wide at broad end
Image Tags: seed oblong emergent date-with-caution reticulate trigonous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Doellingeria umbellata
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-cylindric, 2-3 mm long with tapering base; pappus (white hairs) may or may not be present in fossils; lengthwise ridges; sparsely pubescent
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable pappus pubescent oblong hairy bristled ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Dulichium arundinaceum
Site name: Nichols Marsh, Muscatine County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong, lens shaped in cross section, 2-4 mm long; long, sturdy, persistent style beak about as long as body
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Echinochloa crus-galli
Site name: Three Corner Pond, Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic-ovate, 2.5-3.5 mm long; awn may or may not be present; awn 2-4 cm long
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed awned bristled ovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Echinochloa crus-galli
Site name: Three Corner Pond, Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic-ovate, 2.5-3.5 mm long; awn may or may not be present; awn 2-4 cm long
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed ovate glabrous smooth veined
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Echinochloa muricata
Site name: Muscotah Marsh, Kansas
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, 2.5-3.5 mm long; spikelet 3-4 mm long; awn 3-10 mm long, sometimes up to 25 mm long
Image Tags: obovate terrestrial bristled dateable seed awned
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Echinochloa muricata
Site name: Muscotah Marsh, Kansas
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: 8.0
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate, 2.5-3.5 mm long; acutely tipped; spikelet 3-4 mm long; awn 3-10 mm long, sometimes up to 25 mm long
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed ovate acuminate glabrous smooth
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Eleocharis acicularis
Site name: Muskee Lake, Boulder, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, 3 angled, ridged, up to 1 mm long; tubercle (cap on top of seed) cone shaped, constricted at base
Image Tags: seed emergent submerged date-with-caution capped obovate ridged striate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Eleocharis ovata
Site name: Blackhawk County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lens-shaped, light to dark brown or olive, shiny, 1-1.5 mm long; tubercle (cap on top of seed) flattened-triangular, about as wide as broad top of achene (seed)
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution capped bristled obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Eleocharis palustris
Site name: Kenai Peninsula, AK
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: common species with broad range and variable morphology; 1-2 mm long, yellow to brown; tubercle (cap on top of seed) flattened-triangular, constricted at base
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution capped bristled obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Equisetum fluviatile
Site name: Busching mound springs, Chickasaw County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 4-6 angled, hollow
Image Tags: stem emergent dateable ridged segmented
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Equisetum fluviatile
Site name: Busching mound springs, Chickasaw County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ~9-25 shallow ridges; central cavity large ~4/5 of total stem diameter; other smaller cavities present in stem
Image Tags: stem emergent dateable ridged segmented
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Equisetum variegatum
Site name: Yellowstone National Park, Huckleberry Mountain, WY
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: up to 1 cm long; sharply tipped
Image Tags: emergent dateable ridged segmented
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Equisetum variegatum
Site name: Yellowstone National Park, Huckleberry Mountain, WY
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 1-2.5 cm wide; 5-12 shallow, rough ridges; hollow central cavity 1/3-1/4 of total stem diameter; other smaller cavities present in stem
Image Tags: stem emergent dateable ridged segmented
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Eupatorium altissimum
Site name: Crandic-Coralville bikepath, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong, tapering to base, 2.5-3.5 mm long, 5 sided; speckled with small white dots, base may be white as well; coarse, white pappus may or may not be preserved in sediment
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed oblong speckled bristled pappus five-sided
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Eupatorium maculatum
Site name: Busching Mound Springs, Bremer County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong, tapering to base, 2-4 mm long, 5 angled; speckled with small red dots; coarse, white pappus may or may not be preserved in sediment
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable oblong linear speckled pappus bristled
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Eupatorium purpureum
Site name: Turkey Creek Road, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong, tapering to base, 3.5-4.5 mm long, indistinctly 5 sided; speckled with small brown-red dots; white base; coarse, white pappus may or may not be preserved in sediment
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed oblong ridged speckled pappus bristled
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Eupatorium rugosum
Site name: Finkbine bikepath, in shade, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong, tapering to base, 2-2.5 mm long, 5 sided; glabrous (no hairs/spots); white base; coarse, white pappus may or may not be preserved in sediment
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed glabrous oblong five-sided pappus bristled
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Euphorbia corollata
Site name: Rochester Cemetary, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, 2-4 mm long; distinct longitudinal line present; mottled brown and white
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable speckled obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Fagus grandifolia
Site name: Pt. Beach State Park, Door County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: sharply triangular, 4 sided, 4-10 mm long
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable four-sided
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Fraxinus americana
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: fruit linear to oblanceolate, 3-5 cm; wing extending 1/3 the length of the body
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable linear winged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Fraxinus nigra
Site name: USA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: fruit flat, lanceolate to oblanceolate, ~2.5-4 cm x 6-10 mm; very small notch at tip of wing
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable oblong winged notched emarginate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Site name: Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: fruit linear to spatulate, 2.5-7.5 cm long; wing extending ~1/2 the length of body
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable linear winged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Galium triflorum
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: sub-globose-reniform(bean shaped), 1.5-2 mm; covered with hooked bristles except at attachment scar (see seed in bottom left of image)
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable elliptic reniform bristled barbellate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Gleditsia triacanthos
Site name: Baker land, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: adaxial side (top of leaf) pictured; oblong-lanceolate, 2-4 cm long (mature trees) or 1-2 cm long (young trees); weakly roundly toothed; petioles pubescent
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable serrate lanceolate oblong toothed pubescent hairy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Gleditsia triacanthos
Site name: Baker land, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: abaxial side (bottom of leaf) pictured; oblong-lanceolate, 2-4 cm long (mature trees) or 1-2 cm long (young trees); weakly roundly toothed; petioles pubescent
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable serrate lanceolate oblong toothed pubescent hairy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Glyceria sp.
Site name: Restored wetland, Upper Sioux River, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: subfossil specimen; obovate, 0.5-1.5 mm; prominent indent at base of seed characterstic of Glyceria; 2 persistent, recurved stigmas; reddish-brown
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution indented bistigmatic seed subfossilized obovate stigmas-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Glyceria striata
Site name: Williams Prairie, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate, 0.5-1.5 mm; prominent indent at base of seed characterstic of Glyceria; 2 persistent, recurved stigmas; reddish-brown
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution bistigmatic indented wrinkled stigmas-persistent obovate rugose
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Glyceria striata
Site name: Williams Prairie, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, 0.5-1.5 mm; strongly 7 veined; often purple
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution obovate veined
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Helianthus grosseratus
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed-oblong, 3-4 mm long; dark lengthwise streaks/stripes/mottles; smooth
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable speckled striped striate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Heteranthera dubia
Site name: Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: broadly elliptic, 1 mm long; longitudinally ridged; both ends (hilum and chalazal) are conspicuos
Image Tags: seed elliptic oblong submerged do-not-date ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Heteranthera limosa
Site name: Stuttgart, AR
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: broadly elliptic, 0.4-0.6 mm long; longitudinally ridged; both ends (hilum and chalazal) are conspicuos
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date ridged elliptic oblong ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Hippuris vulgaris
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-cylindric to elliptic, ~2 mm long, 1 mm wide; thick, soft-woody wall
Image Tags: seed elliptic woody emergent date-with-caution
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Hypericum pyramidatum
Site name: DuBuque County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-cylindric, 0.5-1 mm; reticulate surface; marked by lengthwise line; pointed it at one end
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Impatiens capensis
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, four angled, narrowing at base, ~4 x 2.5 x 2 mm; length wise ridges; surface usually warty or wrinkly
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable elliptic four-sided ridged wrinkled rugose
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Iodanthus pinnatifidus
Site name: Washington County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oval to spatulate, 1-1.2 cm long; visible attachement point; surface pitted-reticulate;
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed pitted foveate reticulate hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Iris virginica
Site name: Cayler Prairie, Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flat, round discs to wedge shaped, 4-6 mm
Image Tags: emergent seed date-with-caution round wedge-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Isoetes bolanderi
Site name: West Tensleep Lake, WY
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: globose, 0.3-0.5 mm in diameter; ridges trisecting spore into three parts; covered in tubercles (nodules)
Image Tags: spore submerged do-not-date ridged globose round bumpy tuberculate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Isoetes echinospora
Site name: Devils Lake Wisconsin, S.W. Corner, Sauk County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: globose, 0.4-0.5 mm in diameter; covered in prickly tubercles (warty bumps) ridges trisecting spore into three parts
Image Tags: spore submerged do-not-date ridged globose round bristled tuberculate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Juncus effusus
Site name: Walton County, FL
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oval, ~0.5 mm long; dark terminal appendages tapering at ends; cellular reticulations clearly visible in cell wall
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution reticulate elliptic ovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Juncus pelocarpus
Site name: Jasper County, IN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate, 0.3-0.5 mm long; dark terminal appendage at top of seed; cellular reticulations clearly visible in cell wall
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution reticulate elliptic ovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Kalmia angustifolia
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: abaxial (bottom) side shown; elliptic-oblong, 2-5 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide; bottom of leaf paler than top; tips may be rounded or pointed; leathery; short petioles; margins entire, may be curled under leaf
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable elliptic revolute
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Kalmia angustifolia
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: adaxial (top) side shown; elliptic-oblong, 2-5 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide; bottom of leaf paler than top; tips may be rounded or pointed; leathery; short petioles; margins entire, may be curled under leaf
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable elliptic revolute
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Kalmia angustifolia
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-linear, ~1 mm long; striated surface
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable striate grooved oblong
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Kalmia angustifolia
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, 5 sectioned capsule, 2.5-4.5 mm in diameter
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable round
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Kalmia angustifolia
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, 5 sectioned capsule, 2.5-4.5 mm in diameter
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Laportea canadensis
Site name: Baker Land, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flattened-ovate, 1.5-2 mm long; marginal seam that is lighter in color than seed body; short beaked
Image Tags: seed flattened round compressed terrestrial dateable beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Larix laricina
Site name: St.Louis County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: Base of needle on righthand side, except middle needle oriented with base on lefthand side. Note blunt tip, linear shape, 3-sided in cross section, 10-25 mm long.
Image Tags: leaf needle terrestrial dateable linear blunt ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Larix laricina
Site name: St.Louis County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: seed cone; 1-2 cm long, 0.5-1 cm wide, lustrous (shiny) brown-red scales
Image Tags: cone terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Larix laricina
Site name: St.Louis County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: Yellow-brown, male cones pictured. Note bud scars on twig surface.
Image Tags: twig terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Larix laricina
Site name: St.Louis County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: Winged, wing may be damaged/missing from macrofossils.
Image Tags: seed terrestrial winged dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Leersia oryzoides
Site name: Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed obovate, 2-3.5 mm long; linear hilum
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Leersia oryzoides
Site name: Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flattened oval, 4-5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide; lemma with conspicous bristles
Image Tags: bristled terrestrial dateable flattened elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Linum striatum
Site name: Early County, GA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: wedge shaped, like narrow sector of sphere, 1-2 mm long; one side nearly straight
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable semicircular wedge-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Lobelia dortmanna
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-obovate, ~0.5-0.7 mm long; square at base; grooved striations
Image Tags: obovate oblong grooved striate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Lotus corniculatus
Site name: Finkbine bike trail, Iowa City, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate, 1-1.5 mm long; variable color; prominent hilum (attachment scar)
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Luzula acuminata
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: subglobose, 1-1.2 mm; clear-yellow elaiosome (lipid rich deposit used to attract insect dispersal) attached to seed
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable globose round
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Luzula spicata
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, ~1 mm long; dimpled at top of seed
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable indented obovate base-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Lycopus americanus
Site name: lower Finkbine wetland, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: abaxial (bottom) side of leaf shown; lanceolate, 3-8 cm long, 1-4 cm wide; margins coarsely, irregularly toothed
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable lanceolate toothed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Lycopus americanus
Site name: lower Finkbine wetland, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: adaxial (top) side of leaf shown; lanceolate, 3-8 cm long, 1-4 cm wide; margins coarsely, irregularly toothed
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable lanceolate toothed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Lycopus americanus
Site name: lower Finkbine wetland, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate to compressed triangular, 1-2 mm long; white mouth at seed attachment base; globules on inner face; globules and endosperm often missing in fossil specimens
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable obovate base-conspicuous hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Medicago sativa
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed kidney shaped, 2-3 mm long; narrow line runs obliquely on each face from hilum (seed attachment scar)
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable reniform hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Menyanthes trifoliata
Site name: bog near Homer, Kenai Peninsula, AK
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic-oval, ~2.5 mm long
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable elliptic hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Morus rubra
Site name: Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oval-lenticular to ovate, 1.5-3 mm long; a light colored, slender attachment stalk appressed to thinnest edge of seed; inner surface marked with cellular reticulations
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Myriophyllum pinnatum
Site name: Lucas County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: seed submerged ridged spiny do-not-date
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Myriophyllum spicatum
Site name: Devil's Lake, Sauk County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 12-21 leaflet pairs
Image Tags: leaf submerged do-not-date
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Myriophyllum spicatum
Site name: Devil's Lake, Sauk County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date obovate wedge-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Najas flexilis
Site name: Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: Elliptic, slender, seed coat shiny, up to 3.2 mm long, 1/3 as thick as long, marked with 30-40 longitudinal rows of obscure pits across the middle, covered by a yellow coat. Seed halves commonly found in sediment cores.
Image Tags: submerged do-not-date reticulate pitted foveate elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Najas guadalupensis
Site name: Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, slender, seed coat dull, 1.2-3.8 mm long depending on subspecies. Deeply pitted, 20-60 longitudinal pits.
Image Tags: submerged do-not-date pitted foveate reticulate elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Najas marina
Site name: Seneca County, NY
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, seed coat dull, 2.2-4.5 mm long. Pits 3-4 angles, longer than wide, distributed irregularly across seed coat.
Image Tags: seed submerged foveate do-not-date elliptic pitted reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Nelumbo lutea
Site name: Mississippi River, Soutwestern WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: globose, ~ 1 cm across; somewhat resembles an acorn; seed wall very hard
Image Tags: floating-leaved seed date-with-caution globose
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Nuphar advena
Site name: Cedar Rapids, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ellipsoid to obovoid, 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; rounded on one side and compressed-angled on other; circular hole at base; yellow-brown; thick walled
Image Tags: floating-leaved seed date-with-caution
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Nuphar lutea
Site name: USA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ellipsoid to obovoid, 3-5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; rounded on one side and compressed-angled on other; circular hole at base; yellow-brown; thick walled
Image Tags: floating-leaved seed ridged date-with-caution elliptic obovate base-conspicuous hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Nuphar lutea subsp. polysepala
Site name: Bighorn Mountains, WY
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovoid, 4-5.5 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; rounded on one side and compressed-angled on other; circular hole at base; yellow-brown; thick walled
Image Tags: floating-leaved seed date-with-caution obovate ridged base-conspicuous hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Nymphaea odorata
Site name: Baker Prairie Pond, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: globose to ellipsoid, 2-4 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide; slight ridge on one side and small attachment scar at base; olive green to brown; fragile wall, often cracked/fragmented in sediment samples.
Image Tags: floating-leaved seed date-with-caution globose round obovate ridged base-conspicuous hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Nyssa sylvatica
Site name: Hampshire County, MA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed ovoid to ellipsoid, ~7 x 5 x 3 mm; several grooves/stripes on each face
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable elliptic woody
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ostrya virginiana
Site name: Peninsula State Park, Door County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate 1-3 cm, enclosing seed, slightly inflated; bristly at base
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable veined inflated
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ostrya virginiana
Site name: Peninsula State Park, Door County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed lanceolate-ellipsoid, ~4 x 2.2 x 1 mm; thin, brownish, papery coat lining inside of wall; smooth, unribbed surface (as opposed to ribbed surface of Carpinus)
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable ovate glabrous smooth
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ostrya virginiana
Site name: Peninsula State Park, Door County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: twig bud terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Phragmites australis
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: unequal glumes; prominent veins on longer glume
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution veined
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Phragmites australis
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: unequal glumes; prominent veins on longer glume
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution veined
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Picea glauca
Site name: Gooseberry Falls State Park, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: linear, 1.5-2 cm long; 4 angled in cross-section; stiff, sharp tipped
Image Tags: leaf needle terrestrial dateable pointed linear pitted foveate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Picea glauca
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: biconvex, 2-3 mm long; wing 5-8 mm long
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable biconvex ovate winged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Picea mariana
Site name: open woodland south of Dawson, Yukon, Canada
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: Note blunt tip, base of needle on right hand side of photograph. Four-angled in cross section, 6-18 mm long.
Image Tags: leaf linear needle terrestrial dateable blunt arched pitted foveate ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Picea mariana
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: biconvex, 1.5-2 mm long; wing 2-5 mm long
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable winged biconvex obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Platanus occidentalis
Site name: Boulder, Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lanceolate, ~8-9 x 1-1.5 x 1 mm; tuft of stiff hairs pointed upward from base (oriented as top in image); style base persistent (located on bottom of image)
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable lanceolate hairy bristled pappus style-base-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Platanus occidentalis
Site name: Boulder, Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: twig bud terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Polygonum amphibium
Site name: marsh near Green Lake, Kandiyohi County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lens shaped achene, 2-4 mm long; smooth, shiny, dark brown
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Polygonum amphibium
Site name: marsh near Green Lake, Kandiyohi County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lens shaped achene, 2-4 mm long; smooth, shiny, dark brown
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution biconvex glabrous smooth
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Polygonum lapathifolium
Site name: Little Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lens shaped, 2-3 mm long; smooth, shiny
Image Tags: seed emergent terrestrial date-with-caution biconvex bistigmatic stigmas-persistent glabrous smooth
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Polygonum sagittatum
Site name: MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: triangular, 2-3 mm long; shiny, black
Image Tags: seed terrestrial glabrous smooth trigonous dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Polygonum scandens
Site name: Finkbine bike trail, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: triangular in cross section, ~ 4 mm long, ~3.5 mm wide at widest point; smooth and shiny; perianth (outer covering) most likely not present in sediment samples
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable trigonous glabrous smooth
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Pontederia cordata
Site name: Swan Lake, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: triangular, 5-10 mm long; three chambered, only one chamber develops seed;ridged; horned at base
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Pontederia cordata
Site name: Swan Lake, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate-elliptic, 3-4 mm; 20-25 lengthwise lines (not visible in imaged specimens); top of seed depressed
Image Tags: seed emergent indented date-with-caution
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Populus tremuloides
Site name: Fond du Lac Reservation
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate, minute, 0.5-0.8 mm; covered in white hairs; conspicuous white-light yellow base
Image Tags: ovate hairy seed terrestrial dateable comose base-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Populus tremuloides
Site name: Peninsula State Park, Door County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 2-8 mm; smooth, glabrous
Image Tags: bud-scale terrestrial dateable glabrous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton amplifolius
Site name: Muscatine County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: earlike shape (with covering removed; covering is ovate in shape), 4-5 mm long; pronounced beak up to 1 mm long; indented along margin and face; coiled embryo
Image Tags: submerged indented do-not-date seed ear-shaped beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton amplifolius
Site name: Muscatine County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: earlike shape (with covering removed), 4-5 mm long; pronounced beak up to 1 mm long; coiled embryo
Image Tags: submerged coiled do-not-date seed ear-shaped beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton epihydrus
Site name: Penobscot County, ME
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 2-3 mm long, round with pronounced marginal ridge and small beak (at end of ridge on top of seed)
Image Tags: seed ear-shaped submerged do-not-date beaked rostrate ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton epihydrus
Site name: Penobscot County, ME
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 2-3 mm long, round with pronounced ridge and small beak (at top of seed)
Image Tags: ear-shaped beaked rostrate coiled ridged seed submerged do-not-date
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton natans
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 3-5 mm long; short beak (near top of seed); loose, shiny, inflated covering often preserved in lake sediments; in photo covering is dried and shriveled
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date ear-shaped beaked rostrate inflated
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton natans
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: 3-5 mm long; short beak (pictured on top of seed); loose, shiny, inflated covering often preserved in lake sediments; in photo covering is dried and shriveled
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date coiled ear-shaped beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton richardsonii
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: earlike shape (with covering removed), 2-4 mm long; short beaked; indented along margin and face; coiled embryo
Image Tags: submerged do-not-date seed indented ear-shaped beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton richardsonii
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: earlike shape (with covering removed), 2-4 mm long; short beaked; indented along margin and face; coiled embryo
Image Tags: submerged do-not-date seed coiled beaked rostrate ear-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton sp.
Site name: Rice Portage Lake, Carlton County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: subfossil embryo; ear-shaped; small size suggests that embryo is immature; connections to outer covering visible in image
Image Tags: seed coiled submerged do-not-date subfossilized ear-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton sp.
Site name: Rice Portage Lake, Carlton County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: subfossil fruit; ear-shaped; small size suggests that embryo is immature
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date subfossilized ear-shaped indented
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton zosteriformis
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: earlike shape (with covering removed), 4-5 mm long; very short, blunt beak; indented along margin and face; coiled embryo
Image Tags: submerged do-not-date seed indented ear-shaped beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potamogeton zosteriformis
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: earlike shape (with covering removed), 4-5 mm long; very short, blunt beak; indented along margin and face; coiled embryo
Image Tags: ear-shaped submerged do-not-date seed coiled beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potentilla anserina
Site name: Sheboygan County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: reniform with a straight edge; 1-1.5 mm long; seam bisecting arched side of seed
Image Tags: seed terrestrial emergent date-with-caution reniform arched indented
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Potentilla palustris
Site name: Tern Lake, Kenai Peninsula, AK
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ear shaped, arched, with rounded back and straight to concave edge, shaped similar to Potamogeton; ~ 1 mm long
Image Tags: seed ear-shaped terrestrial emergent date-with-caution
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Prunus serotina
Site name: USA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: pit spheroid, 7-9 mm in diameter; low ridge along one side (visible on left side of top right pit in image); inner surface of pit is minutely cellular-pitted; hole on attachment end of pit; ~ 10 mm thick with flesh, dark purple to black colored
Image Tags: fleshy pitted terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Prunus serotina
Site name: Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: twig bud terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Prunus serotina
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: pit globose, 7-9 mm in diameter; low ridge along one side (visible on left side of top right pit in image); inner surface of pit is minutely cellular-pitted; hole on attachment end of pit; ~ 10 mm thick with flesh, dark purple to black colored
Image Tags: pitted terrestrial dateable ridged woody
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Quercus macrocarpa
Site name: Clearwater County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: nut depressed to narrowly ovate, 2-5 cm long, 2-4 cm wide; cup covering 1/3 to 3/4 of nut; marginal cup scales awned, forming a fringe; inside of cup pubescent
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable ovate woody scaled awned fringed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Quercus macrocarpa
Site name: Clearwater County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: nut depressed to narrowly ovoid, 2-5 cm long, 2-4 cm wide; cup covering 1/3 to 3/4 of nut; marginal cup scales awned, forming a fringe; inside of cup pubescent
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable scaled awned fringed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Quercus palustris
Site name: Missouri Botanical Garden, East Baton Rouge County, MO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: nut 10-16 mm long, 9-15 mm wide; cup shallow, saucer shaped, covering 1/5 to 1/4 of nut
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable woody round globose
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Quercus palustris
Site name: Missouri Botanical Garden, East Baton Rouge County, MO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: nut 10-16 mm long, 9-15 mm wide; cup shallow, saucer shaped, covering 1/5 to 1/4 of nut
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable scaled
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Quercus velutina
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: nut ovoid, 6-13 mm long; cup bowl shaped, covering 1/2 of nut; large, pubescent scales; marginal scales projecting, forming fringe
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable ovate woody scaled pubescent fringed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Quercus velutina
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: nut ovoid, 6-13 mm long; cup bowl shaped, covering 1/2 of nut; large, pubescent scales; marginal scales projecting, forming fringe
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable scaled fringed pubescent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ranunculus abortivus
Site name: Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lenticular in cross-section, elliptic in outline, ~1.5 mm long; beak present, but very short
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable style-base-persistent ear-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ranunculus aquatilis
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ear shaped to reniform, 1-1.5 mm long, shape similar to Potamogeton; short, thin, straight beak sometimes present
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date beaked rostrate reniform ear-shaped
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ranunculus hispidus
Site name: Baker property, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flat-lenticular in cross-section, obovate in outline, 2-3.5 mm; prominently beaked and sometimes with marginal wing
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable obovate beaked winged rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Rhynchospora alba
Site name: Mt. Desert Island, ME
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: lens shaped, 1-2 mm long; tubercle cap triangular; smooth surface; bristles
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution capped bristled beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Rorippa palustris
Site name: Three Corner Pond, Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: roundish-ovate (unlike others in family), less than 0.5 mm; reticulate dimpled
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable reticulate bumpy colliculate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Rudbeckia triloba
Site name: Baker land, Cedar County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong, tapering slightly to base; 2-2.5 mm long; 4 sided
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed oblong four-sided striate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Rumex maritimus
Site name: margin of Little Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: triangular, sides convex, 1-1.5 mm; smooth, shiny; embryo attached to one side (rather than to a corner as in Polygonum)
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable trigonous smooth glabrous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Rumex occidentalis
Site name: dry marsh north of Wing, Burleigh County, ND
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: triangular, sides slightly convex, 1-2 mm; smooth, shiny; embryo attached to one side (rather than to a corner as in Polygonum)
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable glabrous smooth trigonous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Sagittaria latifolia
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: 8.0
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, 2-4 mm long; beak projecting horizontally, 1-2 mm long; winged
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed winged beaked rostrate obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Sagittaria rigida
Site name: Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: 8.0
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, 2-4 mm long; beak projecting vertically, 1-1.5 mm; narrowly winged relative to other Sagittaria spp.
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed winged beaked rostrate obovate reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Salix amygdaloides
Site name: Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: adaxial side of leaf (top of leaf) pictured; thin, lanceolate to lance-ovate, 5-10 x 1-3.5 cm; 3-6 times as long as wide, abruptly acuminate (tapering to a point); serrate; abaxial side (bottom of leaf) with cellular pattern similar to cracked mud
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable serrate tapered acuminate lanceolate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Salvia lyrata
Site name: Estill County, KY
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic compressed-triangular, 2-2.5 mm long; surface marbled with streaks and/or netted lines
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable elliptic colliculate bumpy veined speckled
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Sambucus canadensis
Site name: Verona, Dane County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic-ovate in outline compressed triangular in cross section, 2-3 mm long; very slightly arched inward; crosswise wrinkled; inner wall woody
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable elliptic obovate wrinkled rugose woody
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Sanicula gregaria
Site name: Benton County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: sub-globose, 3-5 mm, very bristly to the base
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed planoconvex bristled barbellate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Saxifraga rivularis
Site name: Beartooth Plateau, Carbon County, MT
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, 0.3-0.5 mm long; finely pitted surface; embryo folded so that lengthwise dark brown line is visible
Image Tags: seed pitted foveate terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Scheuchzeria palustris
Site name: Van Meer Bog, Alger County, MI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flattened elliptic, 5-8 mm long; split on one side where seeds released
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution capsule elliptic
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Scheuchzeria palustris
Site name: Van Meer Bog, Alger County, MI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, 3.5-5 mm long; lengthwise ridge is diagnostic of seed
Image Tags: elliptic emergent date-with-caution seed ridged
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Schoenoplectus acutus
Site name: Palo Alto County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, flat on one side, convex on other, 2-3 mm long, beak (on broad end of seed) up to 5 mm long, bristles (hairs) not always present
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution bristled beaked rostrate obovate planoconvex
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Site name: USA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flat on one side, convex on other, 2-3 mm long, beak (on broad end of seed) up to 0.2 mm long, bristles (hairs) not always present
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution bristled beaked obovate planoconvex rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Scirpus atrovirens
Site name: Linn County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: tan to white, 3 angled; ~ 1mm long, beak (on broad end of seed) ~0.2 mm long, bristles (hairs) not always present
Image Tags: seed emergent date-with-caution bristled trigonous beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Scirpus cyperinus
Site name: Monroe County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flattened trigonous, 0.5-1 mm long; short beak; very long bristles easily attach/tangle
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed trigonous bristled comose hairy beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Scirpus cyperinus
Site name: Monroe County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: flattened trigonous, 0.5-1 mm long; short beak; very long bristles easily attach/tangle
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed trigonous bristled beaked rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Scirpus fluviatus
Site name: dry swale near Green Lake, Kandiyohi County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded trigonous, 3-5 mm long; beak up to 0.5 mm long; bristled
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution bristled beaked seed trigonous rostrate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Silene acualis
Site name: tundra above Bluefish Caves near Old Crow, Yukon, Canada
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, kidney shaped discs, 0.5-1.5 mm long; ridged margins; lanceolate tubercles (warty bumps) in concentric rows
Image Tags: seed warty tuberculate terrestrial dateable bumpy reniform
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Silene nivea
Site name: Delaware County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: rounded, kidney shaped, 0.5-1.5 mm long; dark tipped, cone shaped tubercles (warty bumps) in concentric rows, increasing in size away from the hilum (seed base); base of tubercles bordered by zig-zag pattern
Image Tags: seed warty tuberculate terrestrial dateable round reniform bumpy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Silene stellata
Site name: Floyd County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed kidney shaped, 0.5- 1 mm; rounded, irregular shaped tubercles (warty bumps) concentric from hilum (seed base)
Image Tags: seed warty tuberculate terrestrial dateable round bumpy colliculate reniform
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Solidago gigantea
Site name: Lake Carlson, Dakota County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-cylindric, 1-2 mm long with tapering base; pubescent; pappus (short white bristles) may or may not be present in fossils
Image Tags: terrestrial seed dateable pappus pubescent oblong bristled hairy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Sparganium angustifolium
Site name: Muskee Lake, Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: spindle shaped, 5-7 mm long; abruptly contracted to a beak 1-3 mm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution fruit beaked rostrate lanceolate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Sparganium angustifolium
Site name: Muskee Lake, Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: spindle shaped, 5-7 mm long; abruptly contracted to a beak 1-3 mm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed ovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Sparganium eurycarpum
Site name: Mississppi River near Potosi, Grant County, WI
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, 6-8 mm long, 4-7 mm wide; flattened top; beak 2-4 mm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed obovate style-base-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Staphylea trifolia
Site name: Stranger Creek, KS
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, 5-7 mm long; conspicuous micropyle opening (hole at seed base); smooth, shiny
Image Tags: seed elliptic terrestrial dateable indented base-conspicuous hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Stellaria aquatica
Site name: Benton County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oval-orbicular, ~1 mm long; surface is hoarfrost patterned; margins covered in large, rounded tubercles (warty bumps)
Image Tags: seed warty tuberculate terrestrial dateable bumpy round
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Stellaria graminea
Site name: not specified
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oval-orbicular, ~1 mm long; covered in dendritic (branched projections) tubrercles (warty bumps)
Image Tags: seed warty tuberculate terrestrial dateable bumpy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Stellaria longifolia
Site name: Lake Itasca, Clearwater County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oval-orbicular, ~1 mm long; rough, bumpy texture, but generally much less so than other members of family
Image Tags: seed bumpy terrestrial elliptic dateable wrinkled rugose undulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Stellaria media
Site name: Baker window well, Coralville, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: orbicular, ~1 mm long; pinched hilum (seed base); covered in angular-rounded tubercles (warty bumps); fewer tubercles relative to other spp. In family
Image Tags: seed warty tuberculate terrestrial dateable bumpy hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Strophostyles helvola
Site name: Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-compressed; 3-8 mm long; dry, grayish outer coating and black underneath; white, oblong hilum bordered by black
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable hilum-conspicuous oblong
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Taenidia integerrima
Site name: Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: crescent-wedge shaped , 4-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide; slightly compressed laterally, shallow ribbed
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed ribbed wedge-shaped semicircular
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Thalictrum dioicum
Site name: Nerstrand Woods State Park, Rice County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: elliptic, 2.5-4 mm long; very strongly ribbed; nearly symmetrical
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable elliptic ribbed
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Tilia americana
Site name: Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Dickenson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: globose, 6-10 mm in diameter; pubescent, hard
Image Tags: seed terrestrial dateable globose pubescent woody
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Triodanis perfoliata
Site name: Williams Prairie, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed elliptic, biconvex, less than 0.5 mm long; glossy
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed elliptic biconvex smooth glabrous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Typha angustifolia
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-elliptic, elongate, 0.8-1 mm long; whorled white pappus may be present; small, conical nipple on truncate end
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed pappus hairy speckled style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Typha angustifolia
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-elliptic, elongate, 0.8-1 mm long; whorled white pappus may be present; small, conical nipple on truncate end
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed pappus hairy speckled style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Typha latifolia
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: oblong-elliptic, elongate, 0.8-1.5 mm long; whorled white pappus may be present; small, conical nipple on truncate end
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed pappus hairy style-persistent speckled
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ulmus americana
Site name: Boulder, Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: buds glabrous
Image Tags: twig bud terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Ulmus americana
Site name: Boulder, Boulder County, CO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: buds glabrous
Image Tags: bud-scale terrestrial dateable glabrous smooth
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Utricularia vulgaris
Site name: Three Corner Pond, Dickinson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: angular 5-10 sided, ~ 0.5 mm long; reticulate pattern of cell wall clearly visible
Image Tags: seed angular free-floating do-not-date reticulate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Vaccinium oxycoccos
Site name: Hubbard County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: red, globose, 6-12 mm wide
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable globose fleshy
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Vaccinium oxycoccos
Site name: Hubbard County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: abaxial (bottom) side shown; ovate to narrowly triangular, 2-10 mm long, 1-3 mm wide; bottom of leaf much paler than top; tips may be rounded or pointed; leathery
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Vaccinium oxycoccos
Site name: Hubbard County, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: adaxial (top) side shown; ovate to narrowly triangular, 2-10 mm long, 1-3 mm wide; bottom of leaf much paler than top; tips may be rounded or pointed; leathery
Image Tags: leaf terrestrial dateable
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Vallisneria americana
Site name: Cerro Gordo County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: ovate-lanceolate, 1.5-2.5 mm long; white hilum (attachment scar) with black border
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date obovate oblong hilum-conspicuous base-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Verbena hastata
Site name: MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: compressed-oblong, rounded triangular in cross section 1.5-3 mm long; rounded side is ridged lengthwise; cross ridges also present; margins narrowly flanged; very short, whitish hairs sometimes present
Image Tags: seed oblong emergent terrestrial date-with-caution ridged hilum-conspicuous base-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Verbena hastata
Site name: Restored wetland, Upper Sioux River, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: subfossil specimen; compressed-oblong, rounded triangular in cross section 1.5-3 mm long; prominent seed sttachment scar; rounded side is ridged lengthwise; cross ridges also present; margins narrowly flanged; very short, whitish hairs sometimes present
Image Tags: seed emergent terrestrial dateable ridged oblong base-conspicuous hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Viola papilionacea
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate-elliptic, 1.8-2.2 mm long; prominent elongated white ridge on one side of seed attachement scar (raphe); mottled brown
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed speckled base-conspicuous ridged obovate
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Viola pedata
Site name: Ciha property, Johnson County, IA
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: obovate, 1.6-2.0 mm long; prominent elongated white ridge along base of seed (raphe)
Image Tags: terrestrial dateable seed obovate ridged base-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Zannichellia palustris
Site name: U.S.A.
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: arched-oblong, body 2-3 mm long; flattish; stalked at one end, style base persisting on other; spinelike projections along each edge of seed
Image Tags: seed submerged do-not-date spiny style-persistent
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Zizania aquatica
Site name: MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: 8.0
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: none
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed oblong hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Zizania aquatica
Site name: St. Louis, MO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: floret awl-shaped, 1-2 cm long, tapering to an awn 3-6 cm long; seed cylyndric, 1-2 cm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed awned
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Zizania palustris
Site name: St. Louis, MO
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: floret awl-shaped, 1-2 cm long, tapering to an awn 3-6 cm long; seed oblong, 1-2 cm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed oblong hilum-conspicuous
Unique Identification: Plant Macrofossil
Taxon: Zizania palustris
Site name: Fond du Lac Reservation, MN
Light type: Reflected Light
Magnification: not specified
Submitted by: Jimmy Marty
Notes: floret awl-shaped, 1-2 cm long, tapering to an awn 3-6 cm long; seed cylyndric, 1-2 cm long
Image Tags: emergent date-with-caution seed awned

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CSD Facility

116 Church Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55455

P: 612-626-7889

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