Show UniqueIdentification

Id 6
Identification Type Mineral
Name Iron Oxides, Opaque (e.g., magnetite)
Distinguishing Features
Description Fully opaque where visible by light microscopy. In coarser, sorted lacustrine sediment, cubic, faceted, or irregularly blocky grains may occur in association with other high-density minerals. May be distinguished from pyrite and other sulfides by grey color under oblique reflected light. Biomineralized magnetite produced by magnetotactic bacteria is widespread in sedimentary environments, but normally in a sub-micron size class well below that of grains discerned in smear slides.
Tags heavy-mineral
External Resources titanomagnetite magnetite
Unique Identification: Iron Oxides, Opaque (e.g., magnetite)
Site name: Mountain Lake
Light type: Plane-Polarized Light
Magnification: 400
Submitted by: Val Stanley
Notes: Magnetite in a well-rounded sand layer from Mountain Lake (San Francisco, California).
Image Tags: heavy-mineral rounded opaque-oxide magnetite
Unique Identification: Iron Oxides, Opaque (e.g., magnetite)
Site name: Mountain Lake
Light type: Cross-Polarized Light
Magnification: 400
Submitted by: Val Stanley
Notes: Magnetite in a well-rounded sand layer from Mountain Lake (San Francisco, California).
Image Tags: heavy-mineral rounded opaque-oxide magnetite
Unique Identification: Iron Oxides, Opaque (e.g., magnetite)
Site name: Mountain Lake
Light type: Plane-Polarized Light
Magnification: 400
Submitted by: Val Stanley
Notes: Magnetite in a well-rounded sand layer from Mountain Lake (San Francisco, California).
Image Tags: heavy-mineral rounded opaque-oxide magnetite
Unique Identification: Iron Oxides, Opaque (e.g., magnetite)
Site name: Mountain Lake
Light type: Cross-Polarized Light
Magnification: 400
Submitted by: Val Stanley
Notes: Magnetite in a well-rounded sand layer from Mountain Lake (San Francisco, California).
Image Tags: heavy-mineral rounded opaque-oxide magnetite
Unique Identification: Iron Oxides, Opaque (e.g., magnetite)
Site name: not specified
Light type: Plane-Polarized Light
Magnification: 400
Submitted by: Jess Rodysill
Notes: iron oxides replacing rim of calcite grain
Image Tags: pseudomorphing
Unique Identification: Iron Oxides, Opaque (e.g., magnetite)
Site name: not specified
Light type: Cross-Polarized Light
Magnification: 400
Submitted by: Jess Rodysill
Notes: iron oxides replacing rim of calcite grain
Image Tags: pseudomorphing

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